Kingsport Social Security Disability Lawyer

Sometimes, people end up suffering disabilities.  This is not black and white of course, and sometimes, people are either born with disabilities, or they end up getting a disability later in life.  This could be due to a car crash, a severe work accident, and more.  Moreover, disabilities can also be caused by old age as well.  Now; when people become disabled, they will sometimes need others to take care of them, depending on the severity of the disability.  Now;  aside from some common examples of the disabled needing to be taken care of, such care through feeding and bathing, one of the ways that those with a disability can be provided for, is through social security benefits.  This provides financial aspects (such as monthly payments), to the individual’s life, and it allows them to get benefits, in exchange for work that they could not do.  Now; it is also important to note that sometimes, disabled people are treated poorly, and they do not end up getting the benefits that they deserve.  When this happens, it is important to take legal action.  A good example of this would be taking action, through a Kingsport social security disability lawyer.

Kingsport Social Security Disability Lawyer

Some of the focuses of a social security disability lawyer would pertain to looking at the kind of disability the person in question has, the benefits that they would be looking to receive, how long the person wants to have the benefits for, and more.  These aspects would help to break the case down in a specific manner.  Moreover, social security disability cases can go beyond just the financial aspect. An example of a legal business that does this, is The Law Offices of Mark T. Hurt. In a legal business that strongly focuses on disability lawyer work, factors that should also be looked at, include workers compensation, the accident or injury that may have ended up causing the disability in the first place, and more. This kind of work aids in branching out the kind of disability cases that are handled and beyond, in order to create a strong audience with different needs.   

Kingsport Social Security Disability Lawyer

Kingsport Social Security Disability Lawyer

The Law Offices of Mark T. Hurt have proudly served many individuals when they have been in need of a Kingsport social security disability lawyer. Social security has been helping people for years who cannot work due to medical conditions. You may obtain social security disability if you meet the criteria for eligibility. If you have already applied for social security and been denied there is no reason to worry. Many people receive denials due to them not providing adequate evidence as to why they need social security assistance. This is sometimes due to medical records or filling out an application incorrectly.

Who is Eligible for Social Security Disability?

To meet the eligibility for social security assistance, you must have been paying into the social security system for a certain number of years. The year amount can vary, but overall, it is usually between 5 and 10 years. An example would be if you were working for a company consistently for that amount of time (5-10 years), then you may be eligible. The governing bodies require individuals to pay into the social security system and prove that they were working and contributing to that system to be eligible when they are truly in need.

Another crucial element to keep in mind to obtain disability assistance surrounds the injury or ailment itself. Individuals can only receive this social security disability assistance if they are expected to be unable to work for at least 12 months due to medical conditions prohibiting them from working. If the individual has already been out of work due to an ailment for 12 months, then it may be time to start your social security disability application if you have not done so already.

What Happens if You are Denied Disability?

If you have been denied disability, there is no reason to panic or get upset. This happens to many people who apply for social security disabilities. A Kingsport social security disability lawyer can help you look over all the details you inputted during your application process. Many people do not fill out the forms adequately or get confused, leading to errors. The Law Offices of Mark T. Hurt has years of experience in helping clients fill out these forms correctly and has helped many individuals to obtain their disability assistance.

Why Might You Be Denied Disability?

Disability denials are, sadly, what people expect when they file a claim for benefits from the Social Security Administration. Disability claims have a 67% denial rate, and it’s believed that reconsiderations (or appealing) have an 87% denial rate.

When you are denied your disability claim, you will receive a letter (or a notice). This notice is going to have a brief description of your medical condition, the impairments that were considered, the medical and nonmedical records that were considered, and the explanation for the denial.

Often the denial states that there are other jobs that you can do because of the work you did previously, even with your disability. Therefore, in their eyes, you don’t need supplemental income because you can work. Some denial notices will include a “technical rationale,” which fully explains the medical issues that led to the denial. This is also a discussion of your residual functional capacity (RFC) and past jobs.

Should your notice not have the rationale in it, you can ask for one, and you can review it. This can help when you appeal.

Common Misconceptions About Social Security Disability


You may believe you are not eligible for social security disability if certain circumstances apply to you. However, you may be entitled to benefits even in these circumstances. If your claim has been denied for any of these reasons, you should contact the Law Offices of Mark T. Hurt for advice on appealing the decision.

You Have Been Disabled Less Than One Year

Even if you have only been out of work for a few months, you may still be entitled to social security disability benefits if your doctor believes your condition will prevent you from working for a long time. If you have been denied benefits because of the duration of your disability, contact a Kingsport social security disability lawyer to find out what your options are.

You Previously Had a Drug or Alcohol Addiction

If you have had a substance abuse problem in the past but are currently sober, you may still be eligible for benefits. If a recent injury or illness is preventing you from working, do not hesitate to consult a Kingsport social security disability lawyer.

You Are Earning Any Income

It can be difficult to be approved for social security disability benefits while earning any income. Unfortunately, any money you earn, no matter how small, may be used as evidence to deny your claim. However, if your income falls below a certain threshold, you may still be entitled to benefits. If your claim has been denied, contact the Law Offices of Mark T. Hurt right away.


You may believe that a statement from your doctor is all it takes to get your social security disability claim approved. However, the SSA will consider a variety of factors when evaluating your claim. You may need to consult another physician and obtain additional written statements detailing the ways your condition limits your activities and prevents you from working. If your claim has been denied despite having a statement from your doctor, a Kingsport social security disability lawyer can help you build a strong case for your appeal.

Other Benefits

If your condition is the result of a work accident, you may be entitled to worker’s compensation. Many people mistakenly believe that receiving worker’s compensation makes them ineligible for social security benefits. While you may receive a smaller amount if you are already receiving worker’s compensation, it is still possible to get approved for social security. Do not hesitate to reach out to the Law Offices of Mark T. Hurt to improve your chances of receiving social security assistance.



social security infographic



7 Things Not To Do When Filing for Social Security Disability

Don’t Assume You Don’t Qualify for Benefits

You may think that because you’re not permanently disabled, you won’t qualify for Social Security disability (SSD) benefits. The fact of the matter is that if your disability is expected to last more than 12 months or result in your death, you may qualify.

Don’t Collect Unemployment Benefits

If you file for and collect unemployment benefits, that’s like saying you’re ready, willing and able to work. This could hurt your chances of receiving SSD benefits. Talk to your Kingsport Social Security disability lawyer from the Law Offices of Mark T. Hurt to see what you can do in the meantime while you wait for SSD to come through.

Don’t Miss Interviews or Doctor’s Appointments

If you miss interviews with people from the Social Security Administration (SSA) or doctor’s appointments, that could make your case take longer to resolve. In some cases it could result in a denial of your claim, necessitating an appeal. 

Don’t Continue Working With a Doctor Who’s Unsupportive of Your Claim

When you’re filing for SSD benefits, it’s important to be working with a doctor who supports your claims. Unsupportive doctors could make notes in your medical records indicating that you’re not disabled at best, or that you’re malingering or trying to commit fraud at worst. In addition to a Kingsport Social Security disability lawyer, your doctor is the most important person to have in your corner as you apply for SSD.

Don’t Miss Your Appeals Deadline

If your case is one of the 66% of claims denied on the first try, according to the SSA, you have 60 days to appeal. If you wait too long, you may have to file a new claim, which restarts the clock on any backdating of benefits that could be paid out. For example, if your initial claim was filed on May 15th, and you had to appeal a couple times, the SSA could determine that your benefits should have started as of May 15th and pay you accordingly. If you miss your appeals deadline, that clock resets.

Don’t Expect the SSA To Gather Medical Evidence for You

It’s your job and the job of your Kingsport Social Security disability lawyer to gather all the medical evidence you need to submit a successful SSD claim. The SSA doesn’t have the manpower to hunt down medical records for anyone who applies.

Don’t Assume You Can’t Afford an Attorney

The majority of SSD lawyers offer a free initial consultation, then work on a contingency basis. That means they don’t get paid unless you win, at which point they’ll collect a percentage of your winnings for their fee.

3 Tips for a Successful Disability Claim

When you file a claim for social security disability, you will need to prove to the social security administration or appeals judge that you are permanently disabled and not physically or mentally able to perform functions associated with any job. A Kingsport Social Security Disability Lawyer with the Law Offices of Mark T. Hurt can help you file a claim or appeal a denial. Here are three things you should do to help prove your disability.

  1. Present Medical Records Documenting Your Condition

If you have been diagnosed with an illness that causes you permanent disability, you should have some medical record that documents your condition. Doctors or other treating providers often prepare progress notes or visit summaries focusing on the diagnosis and treatment. You may need to get supplemental information to show how the illness impacts your ability to function. Your physician might be willing to update the medical record to describe functional limitations based on previous evaluations. It also may be advisable to see another doctor to assess your restrictions on performing tasks associated with work. A Kingsport Social Security Disability Lawyer with the Law Offices of Mark T. Hurt can review your existing medical record documentation and advise if further information regarding your disability would be helpful.

Have Witnesses Who Can Describe Your Deficits

If you are appealing the denial of your social security application, you will have a hearing in front of a judge. Here you will have the opportunity to have witnesses testify on your behalf. Family members can offer insight into your daily struggles and functional limitations. If you have possible witnesses who may be able to provide information, you should advise your Kingsport Social Security Disability Lawyer so that they can contact the witnesses. An attorney with the Law Office of Mark T. Hurt will want to find out what testimony these persons may be able to give on your behalf

Be Able to Explain Your Disability 

You are the person in the best position to explain how your disability affects your functionality. You will need to make sure that you fully describe your condition to your Kingsport Social Security Disability Lawyer. You may have to disclose personal or intimate details. Some of this information may be embarrassing or difficult to discuss. You should not be ashamed of any effects of your medical condition. Setting forth all of the facts of what you are dealing with is crucial to your case.

An example of a denial letter is below:

After a military career that ended in 1986, the claimant did not work until 1993. He was employed as a cashier in an ABC Store. He worked full-time, classified as substantially gainful activity levels until 1995. From 1995 until the alleged onset date (AOD), the claimant only worked weekends, and this work was not SGA (substantially gainful activity levels). This period fell within the relevant fifteen-year period and is considered sufficient duration for the claimant to gain the job experience necessary to work at an average job. Therefore, he can work as a cashier. This job demands to sit most of the day operating a cash register, observing purchases being made, exchanging money, and making changes. These duties require sitting, seeing, talking, reaching, handling, finger, and feeling. He’s also demonstrated elementary-level mathematics and cash register functions. Sometimes he must stand to retrieve register tape. With the exertional capacity available for him to do light work, this individual is not disabled.

Explaining the Denial Letter

So while a denial letter does not mean you cannot get disability, it can give you insight into why you may continue to be denied. Working with a disability lawyer can help you focus on the disability that is disabling you and would be considered to do so by the federal government. A good lawyer can also lessen your chances of rejection, in the first place or in the appeal.

These letters vary in the information they provide; some go even further to give detailed reports about the medical history and work history that caused your claim to be rejected. You can also request this report if it is not included in your denial letter. This can help when you and your disability lawyer go back over it for your appeal.

Is it Helpful to Obtain Legal Counsel?

Having a lawyer review your case is one of the most important things that you can do for your claim. An experienced lawyer will understand the nuances involved with the application and the records you will need to provide. Aside from records, a legal representative can also help with any supporting evidence that may be needed. The Law Offices of Mark T. Hurt is here to help and has proudly served as a Kingsport, social security disability lawyer for numerous individuals. Contact us today for a free consultation. We look forward to assisting you with your needs.

How to Improve Your Chances of Getting Your Disability Application Approved

If you have suffered a disability and cannot work, you may be eligible to receive Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). However, before you can receive the benefits, you must fill out a lengthy application. Here are a few tips to improve your chances of getting your application approved.

  • Provide specific details about your medical treatment. The Social Security Administration (SSA) will want to know specific details about your medical treatment before approving your disability application. Many applicants make the mistake of not including enough details about their medical treatment. To improve your chances of getting your application approved, include the types of treatment you have received, the dates of the treatment, and the doctor’s name who treated you.
  • Meet all deadlines. To get approved for SSDI benefits, you must submit your claim and responses for additional information within a specific period. For example, if your initial claim is denied, you have 60 days to file a Request for Reconsideration. If you do not meet these deadlines, your application could get rejected.
  • Be honest about your symptoms. When filling out your application, provide specific details about your symptoms. For instance, if you experience very sharp back pain in the morning and have trouble getting out of bed, include that in your application. Under no circumstances should you exaggerate your symptoms, which can get your application rejected.
  • Provide medical evidence. The SSA will also want to see medical documentation before approving your disability claim. As such, remember to include lab tests and clinical exams, current diagnosis, and written testimony from doctors.
  • Hire a lawyer. While you are not required to work with a Kingsport Social Security disability lawyer, it is in your best interest to do so. A lawyer can help you avoid making mistakes on your application, improving your chances of getting approval.
  • Do not work a full-time job. If you work a full-time job while applying for SSDI benefits, you can expect your application to get rejected. The SSA will assume that you’re not truly disabled if you can still work. Even if your finances are very tight right now, you should avoid working while applying for disability benefits.

Reasons you need a Kingsport Social Security Disability Lawyer

You may be wondering if you need a Kingsport Social Security Disability lawyer. The answer is most likely, yes. While the Social Security Administration (SSA) makes it possible for people to apply for disability benefits on their own, the process is often long and complicated. A Kingsport Social Security Disability Lawyer can help you through every step of the process, from filing your application to appealing a denied claim. Here are a few reasons why you need a social security disability lawyer: 

1) They know the ins and outs of the system. 

2) They can help you get your application filed correctly. 

3) They can represent you at hearings and appeals. 

4) They have experience dealing with the SSA.

If you are disabled and unable to work, you may be eligible for Social Security Disability benefits. However, filing for SSD can be a daunting process, especially if you don’t know where to start. That’s where Mark T. Hurt comes in. As one of the top Social Security Disability lawyers in Kingsport, TN, he can help guide you through the application process and help make sure you get the benefits you deserve. So if you’re considering filing for SSD, don’t hesitate to contact Mr. Hurt today. You won’t regret it!

Why you need Mark T. Hurt as your Kingsport Social Security Disability Lawyer

 If you have ever been denied Social Security Disability benefits, chances are that the reason for your denial was because the SSA believed that you could still work. The SSA has a notoriously difficult time deciding whether or not an individual is disabled based on their medical records and functional capacity to perform daily activities. It’s no wonder why they deny so many claims at first glance. But it doesn’t have to be this way! Mark T. Hurt can help you appeal your claim and fight for what you deserve from the government!

You may be entitled to Social Security Disability benefits. The Law Offices of Mark T. Hurt is a Kingsport, TN law firm that specializes in helping people who are disabled receive the benefits they deserve. We have years of experience representing clients with all types of disabilities including back injuries, arthritis, cancer, heart disease and more!

Our Kingsport social security disability lawyers will fight hard to get you the money you need so that you can focus on getting better instead of worrying about how to pay your bills.

With the help of Mark T. Hurt as your Kingsport Social Security Disability Lawyer, you will have someone on your side that is dedicated to helping you get through this challenging time in your life. With years of experience as a lawyer, he knows how to help those who need it most. He has helped many people with their claims and will do everything possible for you too!

You don’t have to worry about any more sleepless nights wondering if your claim will be denied or delayed because we are here to take care of everything for you! Let us do what we do best while keeping our clients informed along the way! We want nothing more than to see our clients succeed in their claims so they can get back on track with their lives as soon as possible. Don’t wait another day – contact us today!

Frequently Asked Questions About Social Security Disability Cases

Our Kingsport social security disability lawyer is available to support those in need of benefits during what is often a complicated and cumbersome process. If you require benefits, the chances are that you face several challenges, especially ones of a financial nature. The Law Offices of Mark T. Hurt can offer our guidance and support when you need it the most. When pursuing the process, there will inevitably be many questions to follow and, our team of experienced professionals is available to help you gain the answers you are seeking. 

What is social security disability insurance?

Social security disability insurance (SSDI) is a federally funded insurance program overseen by The US Social Security Administration (SSA). If you cannot work due to a medical disability (illness or impairment) and qualify for SSDI, you may access monthly benefits. 

Why might a person need social security disability insurance?

Most people have heard of social security- but it’s essential to know that it’s not just available for people who have reached the age of retirement. However, social security disability insurance is available to those who may not work due to an illness, injury, or other impairment. At times, these impairments may impact a person’s ability to maintain employment or even earn a living. To receive SSDI, you must have enough qualifying work credits.  

How long does the approval process for social security take?

One of the most challenging aspects of applying for SSDI is the approval process. Not only can the application process be cumbersome, but the wait time can also be significant. The average wait time is 3-5 months for approval, making it critical to have the assistance of a Kingsport, Virginia social security disability lawyer. With a professional, you can mitigate the risk of a potential denial from the SSA. 

Is it possible to expedite the approval process? 

Unfortunately, many in need of SSDI experience financial hardship and may even find it challenging to gain housing, buy food or make ends meet. Because of this, it will be vital that you receive benefits immediately. While the process can sometimes be lengthy, if a person needs help, it may be possible to expedite the application with the proper evidence. 

What are work credits, and how many are needed to qualify for social security disability insurance?

Approval for SSDI has several criteria that must be met, including having the appropriate amount of work credits. To receive work credits, you must have worked for a specific period. The number of work credits needed will depend upon how old you were at the time of disability. According to the SSA, on average, you need 40 work credits, 20 of those need to be obtained in the last ten years. 

The Law Offices of Mark T. Hurt have witnessed firsthand the challenges of managing the application process and the potential complications should you receive a denial letter from the Social Security Administration (SSA). For support in handling your case, it may be in your best interest to speak with our Kingsport social security disability lawyer; we are prepared to support the best interests of our clients when they need it the most. 

Managing the Social Security Disability Benefits Process

As a Kingsport social security disability lawyer can attest, the process for retaining social security benefits can be both cumbersome and complicated. When someone experiencing a disability attempts the application process, it can be challenging. The approval process can take some time, and understanding its timeframes will be critical to accurately managing the process. Several types of conditions are approved by the Social Security Administration (SSA), and medical records will play an essential component for proving the need for benefits. The Law Offices of Mark T. Hurt can assist with managing the process, completing the application, and keeping your interests at the forefront. 

Common Types of Approved SSA Disabilities

Social security disability benefits are a type of insurance provided by the government to people who are unable to work due to a disability or medical condition. However, to receive these benefits as a replacement for lost income due to an inability to work, applicants must have obtained the proper amount of “work credits.” There is an extensive list of medical conditions that may allow someone to qualify for social security disability, including:

  • Chronic Liver Disease
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Chronic Heart Disease
  • Depressive, Bipolar Disorders
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Cancer
  • Hematological Disorders
  • +More

Having a medical condition can limit a person’s ability to earn a living, and for some, financial assistance in the form of social security disability benefits may be critical. However, the process is not as straightforward as it initially appears, making the help of a Kingsport, Tennessee, social security disability lawyer imperative. 

Approval Timeframes

People seeking social security disability benefits will want to know how quickly they can access their benefits. The process can be lengthy, even if all goes smoothly. Some may wait several months before they can receive relief. The average approved applicant may not receive benefits for 3-5 months, but it’s important to note that it can take much longer if they receive a denial and endure the appeals process. 

What You Need to Apply

The application process seems relatively straightforward; applicants can apply by phone, in person, or online. It’s essential to gather as much information as possible regarding work history, medical documentation, and more. However, the most critical documentation will be the medical evidence provided by the applicant, which is why it’s important to keep track of key documents provided by medical practitioners carefully. With the assistance of a lawyer, the following will act as crucial evidence for the application:

  • Lab and Test Results
  • Prescription Information
  • Medical Documentation from:
    • Doctors
    • Case Workers
    • Therapists
    • Hospitals

In addition, applicants will also need to have some information completed by medical professionals who have administered treatment. To efficiently manage the process, it’s beneficial to have the information of all medical professionals who have administered treatment throughout the condition. 

Accurately Completing the Application

When completing the application, accuracy is key to avoiding possible problems such as denying benefits. The SSA will carefully evaluate several factors when making a decision:

  • The applicant’s work history and whether they are working
  • The severity of the medical condition
  • Whether the medical condition is severe enough to prevent a person from “substantial gainful activity.”
  • Whether the applicant can continue to engage in the same work they did before the illness
  • Whether the applicant can do another type of work

In most cases, the SSA will notify the applicant by mail or phone, but they may meet with them in person in some rare occurrences. Whether an applicant is in the first phases of initiating the process or has received a denial of benefits, it’s best to consider the services of The Law Offices of Mark T. Hurt. Learn more about the services our Kingsport social security disability lawyer offers by scheduling a consultation. 


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